Skirmante Sabataityte

Whole Life Coach
S Gravenhage
1 jaar ervaring
Over coach

Over deze coach

I care about helping people to move towards their preferred futures. I am solution focused practitioner, additionally trained in applied neuroscience and brain health. I coach for change, burnout recovery and consult about neuroscience based tools for wellbeing. My prior professional experience outside the coaching realm is leadership, creation of NGO emotional support program in The Hague.

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Eigenschappen van deze coach:
  • Rustig
  • Nuchter
  • Intelligent
  • Geduldig
  • Zorgzaam
  • Bedachtzaam
Skirmante kan jou helpen bij:
  • Angst
  • Burn-out / Bore-out
  • Communicatie
  • Eenzaamheid
  • Energie
  • Faalangst
  • Grenzen stellen
  • Innerlijke groei
  • Keuzes maken
  • Leefstijl
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Coaching sessions happen online. ✨I work as a thinking partner in moving towards what you want, instead of moving away from what you don't want.✨ My approach - 'solution - focus'. Favourite part about it - it is powered by neuroscience of the brain 🧠 and we don't need to go to the roots of the problem 🙌 Instead, our conversation grows into the roots of what matters to you and the change you want to create. Emptying your "stress bucket" 🪣 is an important part of the session.

Ik richt me specifiek op:
  • Hoogsensitiviteit
  • Mannen
  • Millenials (20 t/m 45 jaar)
  • Ondernemers
  • Studenten
  • Vrouwen
  • Werkzoekenden

Don't listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions. -Albert Einstein

Hoe onderscheid ik mij van anderen?

I follow a few key principles: FIXING A PROBLEM IS A LIMITED POSSIBILITY. I offer coaching to people not problems. We curate the conversation in a way that opens endless possibilities for change and brings a positive context for your mind that steps outside of the problem thinking. YOU ARE THE EXPERT OF YOU. The solution will always be Your solution as no one knows better what is best for you. Listening deeply and curating questions that help you access your own best ideas is my job.

Gecertificeerd en aangesloten bij:
  • ICF

Voor wie of welke hulpvraag bied ik coaching aan?

  • Stress management
  • Goal attainment
  • Creating change in personal and professional life


  • Solution-Focused Essentials of The Art & Science of Coaching and the Essentials Mentor Bundle, ICF (International Coach Federation) Accredited Coach Training Program
    Erickson Coaching International - 2023 - 2023
  • Brain coach
    Brain Academy, Belgium - 2023 - 2024


  • Erickson Solution Focused Coach Accreditation
    Erickson Coaching International - 2023


Spreekt Skirmante jou als coach aan?

  • Vraag een gratis kennismakingsgesprek aan
  • Dit gesprek is vrijblijvend, dus je zit nergens aan vast
  • Je ontvangt een gratis e-book vol handige tips over coaching
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