Daniel Wilcock

Life & Career Transitions Coach
Amsterdam, Utrecht, Den Haag
9 jaar ervaring
Over coach

Over deze coach

I am a husband and proud father of five daughters. My 5 core values are: Authenticity, Passion, Enthusiasm, Courage and Inspiration. Since I was little I was always 'the curious one'. Since growing up (now 42) my questions have been answered by many life experiences. I know what it is to migrate country, go through a divorce, be in debt, rebuild a new life from the ground up and have the courage to create an ideal life vision. Whats your story?

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Eigenschappen van deze coach:
  • Intelligent
  • Creatief
  • Sensitief
  • Bedachtzaam
  • Vriendelijk
  • Praktisch ingesteld
Daniel kan jou helpen bij:
  • Angst
  • Assertiviteit
  • Communicatie
  • Energie
  • Grenzen stellen
  • Innerlijke groei
  • Keuzes maken
  • Leiderschap
  • Loopbaan
  • Omgaan met veranderingen
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1. We start with a free 30 mins no-obligation coffee chat. 2. You will be invited to take a Self-Awareness Assessment followed by a debrief to accurately measure how your current state of thinking and stress levels are currently holding you back. 3. Based on Assessment outcome, we will develop a tailored plan to identify what areas need to improve, identify your ideal outcome and the strategy you need to get there. 4. Depending on the agreed strategy, we will choose the relevant process.

Ik richt me specifiek op:
  • Executives
  • Hoogbegaafden
  • Mannen
  • Millenials (20 t/m 45 jaar)
  • Ondernemers
  • Ouders
  • Vrouwen
  • Werkzoekenden

"Change is the essence of life; be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become." — Reinhold Niebuhr

Hoe onderscheid ik mij van anderen?

My approach is authentic, inspiring and goal-oriented. Using modern, proven research backed techniques and creative tools, we work towards new possibilities and successful solutions. My strength lies in integrating the inner and outer worlds, creating an energy that brings insight and awareness. Let's explore your path to success, meaning, and self-expression together, focused on achieving concrete results. I work with successful leaders, entrepreneurs & creatives

Gecertificeerd en aangesloten bij:
  • ICF

Voor wie of welke hulpvraag bied ik coaching aan?

  • Career and Professional Development
  • Business, Marketing & Personal Branding
  • Mindset, Transformational, Holistic


  • iPEC Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
    iPEC - 2020 - 2022


  • Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP)
    iPEC - 2022
  • COR.E Dynamics Leadership & Transitions Specialist
    iPEC - 2024

Meer informatie

Spreekt Daniel jou als coach aan?

  • Vraag een gratis kennismakingsgesprek aan
  • Dit gesprek is vrijblijvend, dus je zit nergens aan vast
  • Je ontvangt een gratis e-book vol handige tips over coaching
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