Irina Trofimova

Self Belief Coach
3 jaar ervaring
Over coach

Over deze coach

I am working with Co Active and Self-Belief frameworks. I believe that we are all naturally creative, resourceful and whole. In my coaching, I try to address an adult part of you. My trauma-informed training allows me to be aware, where the borders of my competence lies, which means I will not work with your traumas, but instead am able to provide a safe-space for them to be heard. I am intuitive coach who believes that we have to think not in past terms, but now.

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Eigenschappen van deze coach:
  • Nuchter
  • Sensitief
  • Bedachtzaam
Irina kan jou helpen bij:
  • Assertiviteit
  • Communicatie
  • Grenzen stellen
  • Innerlijke groei
  • Keuzes maken
  • Omgaan met emoties
  • Omgaan met veranderingen
  • Ondernemen
  • Persoonlijk leiderschap
  • Piekeren
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I work customised, depending on the needs of the client. First session, normally, is 90 minutes and is called "discovery', where we agree on what you need, what you expect from me and what you want to achieve as a result. Further sessions are 60 minutes each and we decide together how many you need. I work online, but if you wish physical location is also possible within Rotterdam. I also offer one time, 90-minutes sessions.

Ik richt me specifiek op:
  • Hoogsensitiviteit
  • Millenials (20 t/m 45 jaar)
  • Ondernemers
  • Vrouwen

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Hoe onderscheid ik mij van anderen?

I believe in constant development as a coach and I am very focused on not harming, therefore, I do not claim to treat anything which lies in the domain of actual therapy. I work with here and now and into the future goal setting. I focus on the whole person, not on problem or solutions.

Gecertificeerd en aangesloten bij:
  • ICF

Voor wie of welke hulpvraag bied ik coaching aan?

  • Making a decision
  • Stuck in situation and need to vent out
  • Adjusting to something new/Transformation


  • Co Active Coaching
    CTI/Schouten - 2021 - 2022
  • Self Belief Coaching Academy Certification
    Self Belief School - 2023 - 2023


  • ORSC Fundamentals
    Schouten - 2022


Spreekt Irina jou als coach aan?

  • Vraag een gratis kennismakingsgesprek aan
  • Dit gesprek is vrijblijvend, dus je zit nergens aan vast
  • Je ontvangt een gratis e-book vol handige tips over coaching
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